Traveling is such an adventure! Expectations can be met or not, even exceeding, or just simply go off on an unexpected tangent! My trip started without incident – Charleston to Charlotte, straight from one gate to the next, and onto the flight to Frankfurt. I had studied things to do, places to eat, and Google Map, so I was prepared.
I knew that the airport was fairly close to the center of the city, that the train ride from the airport to the main train station was only 15 minutes, and the general direction to walk from the station. What I did not know was that, evidently, Stefanstag is a holiday in Germany!
Our plane arrived at just after 7:00am, still dark outside, and quite foggy. It took me about 30 minutes to go through customs, get my luggage, and find the luggage storage room, then the train station. I was in downtown Frankfurt by about 8:30.
On the way to Romer Platz ↕
Romer Platz ↕
Alte Nikolaikirche |
It was Alte Nikolaikirche (Evangelical, i.e. Lutheran). Since others were entering the church, I also entered. They were preparing for a Christmas Carol Service. I was welcomed and handed a hymnal with an insert of “Joy to the Word” on one side and the Greman translation on the reverse. The service began with an organ prelude, and there were eight hymns numbers listed on the hymn board. It included a wide range of carols, most of which I was familiar with. Each carol was introduced by and organ improvisation, and there were some prayers between some of the carols. The Pastor gave a sermon on the inspired text of the featured “American” hymn – most of which I pretty much understood! The organ was by Oberlinger Orgelbaur, a medium-sized 2m/p tracker, with a very interesting specification, all of which the guest organist utilized – even the Glockenspiel and Nachtigall! I introduced myslf to the Pastor and thanked him for the wonderful service pointing out that, not only did they include a American hymn, but also two important Catholic hymns, “Adeste Fideles” and “O Sanctissima”.

I then crossed the platz towards the other church of interest to me, the Katherine Dom. As I entered, the organist was finishing up his improvisation at the end of the Offertory. I stayed for the rest of the OF Mass in German, joining in on the post-communion hymn, a contemporary Christmas Carol.
Entrance beneath the Steeple |
↕ Historic Side Altars
After Mass, since no stores were open, I spent about an hour just walking around taking random photos. I took the return train to the airport early, and napped a bit before the short flight to London City Airport.
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