Monday, November 11, 2019

12 October 2019 - Morning - Ordinariate Mass

This morning is the beginning of my Canonization experience - the primary reason for my trip.  My friends from the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham (the UK Ordinariate) have been arriving in Rome for the occasion of their patron's canonization - John Henry Newman, heretofore "Blessed", soon to be "Saint."  Below are the arms of the Ordinariate:  one side honoring the Blessed Virgin (Our Lady of Walsingham) the other honoring St. John Henry Newman with his arms.

Monsignor Newton has scheduled Mass according to "Divine Worship: The Missal" for 10:00am at the Venerable English College.  It's only about four blocks from my room, so an easy walk.

(from the website)

(from the website)

There was also an exhibit about St. John Henry Newman in the college's hall.

After Mass, we all headed back to the Chiesa Nuova, the Church of Santa Maria Vallicella, the Principal Church of the Oratorians.  This is one of the numerous outlets in Rome where the paper tickets for admission to the Canonization Mass are being handed out.  I already had mine, but many others in the Ordinariate needed to pick theirs up.

I had pleasant chats with a number of Ordinariate friends, new and old.  I was even approached by an Ordinariate priest about my possible move to the UK to play the organ for an Ordinariate congregation!

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